
Knitting, spinning, pets, food and other thoughts

My favorite mittens


mittens I’ve really appreciated my knitted warmies lately! Our weather roller coaster has been more down than up recently, and then there’s the matter of having to take Toby out, instead of just being able to let him out, due to the stalled construction project. In addition to YakTrax Walkers (we’ve had a bunch of thawing, then refreezing), my good wool mittens, hats and socks have gotten a lot of use. I knew these mittens had been around for quite a while, but I’d forgotten just how long until I checked today—I knitted them in 1988, they appeared in the November/December issue of Knitting World, and they’ve been in use ever since. I think that says a lot for using good quality materials. The exact yarn isn’t available any more, but Quebeçoise from Schoolhouse Press would be an excellent substitute.

We’d almost run out of treats–gasp!–so I had to order some. The package came today, and naturally Amber had to check it out. I don’t think it’s possible to open a treat container anywhere in the house without her catching on to it 😉

Goodies ...

Ooh, goodies ...

We didn’t remember to pick up 3-D glasses in time for the SuperBowl commercials, but Himself did get them in time for “Chuck” on Monday night. I watched a bit, but found they got in the way of my knitting too much.

A blast from the past!

A blast from the past!

PS. I was just blog-cruising, and read this – if you’ve been around kids, you’ve probably been-there-done-that. It sounds so, so hysterically familiar.

Author: joyknits

Knitter, designer, tech editor, spinner sharing a home in the Missouri Ozarks with my husband (53 years and counting), 1 dog, 2 cats, and way too much stash!

5 thoughts on “My favorite mittens

  1. What a good sport! Amber seems to have things under control, doesn’t she? Esau is our package sniffer. Grover doesn’t seem to care. I love your mittens. Talk about lasting quality! At first I thought, eh 1988, and then I realized it was 21 years ago. Where does the time go??????

  2. How does time pass so quickly?! 😀 Lovely mittens! I’m glad they’re keeping you comfy in the cold.

  3. Awesome mittens – I’m glad they’ve withstood the test of time!

  4. I was looking for something in my knitting closet and ran across some of your patterns/articles from Knitting World eons ago. The mittens will probably survive another 20 years or more! Love the red and black.

  5. Amber’s treat box diving is mighty similar to what happens around here!

    I drove home with my 3D’s on but never thought to try knitting while wearing them.

    Love the mittens, it’s amazing how many years they have behind them.

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