
Knitting, spinning, pets, food and other thoughts

Peeking around the corner …


hope someone’s here – things have stayed busy and the poor blog has been seriously neglected for much too long! The garden’s long gone, though some of it (mostly green & wax beans, and roasted tomato sauce) lingers on in the freezer, knitting projects have come and gone, and of course more’s on the needles.

The most recent one I can talk about, Tangerine Leaves can be found in Knitter’s K113, and was lovely to knit!

We got a pretty good snow (for us – probably 6-8″) starting on Thursday, and it’s been Bird Central, with cardinals, juncos, chickadees, titmice, canaries, some rather unexpected robins, bluebirds, yellow-rumped warblers, a couple of pileated woodpeckers and swarms of cedar waxwings, which are going after the berries on the cedars, and the year’s bumper crop of persimmons.

Cedar waxwings feasting on persimmons

Cedar waxwings feasting on persimmons

IMG_8145 copy

IMG_8186 copyToby’s been loving the snow, in fact it’s been hard to get him to come in, even when it’s been in the teens & 20’s, and he comes in with snow sticking everywhere, including ice balls in his feet Toby 1

Toby 2Maggie’s more into cozy spots – here’s why it’s hard to get the bed made around here 😉 MaggieWe’re trying to get ready for the holidays, but there’s always something more to do! wreath

Author: joyknits

Knitter, designer, tech editor, spinner sharing a home in the Missouri Ozarks with my husband (53 years and counting), 1 dog, 2 cats, and way too much stash!

3 thoughts on “Peeking around the corner …

  1. Great photos! We only got two inches of snow yesterday. And I am fine with that. 😉

  2. Remember Miss Chelsea? She used to get iceballs in her feet, which she hated – it would take forever to get them out when she came in. I’d have to dig out a potty circle for her and Doodlebug when it snowed. Beautiful photos! Hope you have a terrific holiday!

  3. Bird watching allows us the opportunity to slow down and enjoy the moment.
    I’m with Maggie on enjoying the cozy spots!
    Happy Christmas, Joy!

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